The study visit took place in the town of Flekkefjord in Norway under the guidance of the Norwegian project partner Geopark Magma. The study visit was intended for an expert group of partner organizations to learn about the methods of teaching of cultural heritage in Norwegian primary schools. Through mutual learning and exchange of cultural heritage teaching methods, the participants gained insight into the approaches used in Norway. The study part of the visit was organized in the form of workshops and the exchange of teaching methods about cultural heritage. A special focus of the visit was on the presentation of the findings of modern neuroscience in dealing with heritage, using of digital tools and learning outside the classroom..

The first impressions of the participants when viewing the landscape, which is part of the Magma Geopark area, were that compared to the Slovenian landscape, the Norwegian landscape is better preserved, people are more in touch with their cultural heritage and tradition, which is strongly reflected in the visual impression of the landscape.

During a visit to the local combined high school Flekkefjord School (gymnasium and technical school) , the teacher Joran Woll presented several projects and methods of work to the participants and highlighted as the most effective approach the work in the field and the opportunities that enable the recognition of the students’ work in the general public such as prizes. Cooperation between teachers in Norway is similar to that in Slovenia, which means that everything depends on the teachers’ own self-initiative and engagement, and often also the use of their own time.

After visiting the school, there was a tour of the island of Hidra, where a small, fairly closed local community lives, where the participants could see what a positive impact the perception of cultural heritage as part of one’s identity can have on the quality of life, as a source of income, and on the preservation of the cultural landscape.

Through the workshops, experts in the field of cultural heritage and archaeologists Lina Murphy and Morten Kutschera demonstrated to the participants with their presentation of work methods that thelevel of engagment of children is better whith the HANDS ON approach, teaching in nature, and the field work.

With his introduction to the world of neuroscience, neuroscientist Andrea Barisellija opened up opportunities for the participants to take a more scientific approach to the design of new programs and content, especially in terms of taking into account environmental factors that affect the ability to think and learn and the way the content is delivered.

Zadnji da obiska je bil posvečen spoznavanju Aplikacije TeachOUT ki je The last day of the visit was dedicated to getting to know the TeachOUT App, which is easy to use and at the same time a fun option for outdoor learning. It is suitable for use in all subjects, encourages the spirit of competition among users, which is a good incentive for learning, and is an excellent tool for learning about architectural cultural heritage.